Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide (“Laughing Gas”)

Chestnut Dental does offer nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia – commonly known as laughing gas – for our more anxious pediatric patients.

Nitrous oxide can be used to calm a patient who has a dental phobia, low pain tolerance, physical handicaps, strong gag reflexes or needs major dental treatment. Nitrous oxide is very safe and has been used for over 100 years in medicine and dentistry. Nitrous oxide will not cause your child to sleep; rather, s/he will remain awake and responsive during the entire visit. This is not sedation or general anesthesia.

The gas is administered via a fitted mask placed over the nose. During the procedure, we administer more oxygen than children breathe in normal room air. This ensures a wide margin of safety. Local anesthetic is administered once the nitrous oxide administration has started. The effects of the gas (relaxation and reduced pain sensation) will last only a few minutes after the nitrous oxide is turned off, and 100% oxygen is given at the end of the procedure. Your child will be able to resume normal activities after the procedure – except for any activities we ask you to avoid, according to the nature of the dental treatment. Nitrous oxide rarely has side effects, although some patients may experience minor nausea and constipation. Your doctor will provide you with pre-and post-nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia instructions.